Tag: ie

Lexember 2020

I actually finished it! 31 plus new words in my various conlangs. Here’s the list:

  1. Tynthna: dzashka /dzaʃ.ka/ – blue, light blue, sky blue
  2. Tynthna: tsaatromii /tsao.tɾo.miː/ – dress, tunic, clothing, the basic piece of clothing. The traditional clothing which is wrapped around the body and tied with a belt. From tromiiv ‘to wear’ and tsaa ‘thing, item’
  3. Maanxmusht: iela /ie.la/ – if
  4. Maanxmusht: ʀiuʃi /ʀiu.ʃi/ song. Animate gender
  5. Maanxmusht: ʀiuʃiolʃdi /ʀiu.ʃi.olʃ.di/ festival, celebration, holiday. Literally ‘song day’. Animate strong noun.
  6. Tynthna: tuthav – have / hold
  7. Tynthna: charuv – feel (with hands, skin, etc)
  8. Tynthna: tarov – grow, get larger, expand
  9. Tynthna: tramuv – walk, crawl
  10. Ntwkso: oddo /ˈɔːd.dɔ/ – horse
  11. Ntwkso: vjivrw /ˈvjɨːð.ɾu/ – person
  12. Ntwkso: ikaha /ɨ.ˈka.haː/ – river
  13. Ntwkso: moriaddr /nɔ.ˈrɨad.dɨ̥r/ – hall, home
  14. Ntwkso: fwdis /θu.ˈdɨs/ – chicken
  15. Ntwkso: rikaddvof /ˈrɨː.kaːd.ðɔθ/ – fire
  16. Ntwkso: whsaivroʀ /uh.ˈsaɨːð.ɾɔʀ/ (boat
  17. Ntwkso: damjss /da.ˈmiːz/ – day
  18. Ntwkso: savis /ˈtsaː.vɨs/ – summer
  19. Ntwkso: akksia /ˈaːk.sɨa/ – magic spell
  20. Ntwkso: kiavsa /ˈkɨaːv.sa/ – food, meal
  21. Ntwkso: bajbaharm /ˈbai.ba.haːɾm/ – harvest
  22. Ntwkso: jirss /ˈjɨɾz/ – night
  23. Ntwkso: ʀosaok /ʀɔː.ˈsaɔk/ – tree, trunk
  24. Ntwkso: hiriah /hɨː.ˈɾɨah/ – hunger, need
  25. Maanxmusht: lindalumd – first (ordinal + one)
  26. Maanxmusht: liniwa – second (ordinal + two)
  27. Maanxmusht: piuva – cold
  28. Ŋyjichɯn: lɒikyɒtɯa /wɒi.’tyɒ.pɯa/ – year
  29. Maanxmuʃt: ɦuonθei /’ɦuon.θei/- year
  30. Ntwkso: rivai /ɾɨ.’vaɨ/- year
  31. Tynthna: tsirrii /tsi.riː/- year
  32. Ie: kyō7vkyou7 /khjəv.kjoʊ/ (low tone on both syllables) – year
  33. Tsɑkø: ægød /’æ.gød/ – year

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Conlang Stuff

I’ve uploaded the newest version of the Nyjichun wikis! There is now one for the grammar and one for the lexicon (aka, all the words). They are SO a work in progress and are full of notes to myself and half-finished stuff.

In addition to that, I recently made a twine game for a jam on itch.io. I redid my conlang Tynthna. It now has actual IPA sounds and a few more words than it did before. And lots of sound recordings! Which may or may not be accurately said! (when in doubt, the orthography is canon). You can play it in your browser on itch.io.

That makes three conlangs that I’m sort of currently working on: Nyjichun, Tynthna, and Ie. I’ve also done a tiny bit in Ylis (the language of the Thunderian capital) lately, because I needed to be able to say Thunderian for on A Heroic Moment without actually referencing Thundercats. (It’s Lunderka for singular and Lunderkusa for plural – and that’s literally the only words I have for it right now, because the old version was from before I knew what IPA was).

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Lexember 2017 – Ie, Part 1

Ie was supposed to just be a naming language for use in my Shard-verse stories, but me being me, it’s grown a bit. I’m trying to restrain myself because I don’t need another big project AND I still can’t actually make names in it.

Since it’s a lot simpler than Ŋyjichɯn, being an isolating language, I’ll be doing a bunch at a time. I’ll give the IPA in parentheses.

  • 44b – ornament, decoration (zu˧.χəp˧)
  • 6zu1 – name, title, to call (tʃy˧˩˥.zʊ̜˥)
  • tyōu5 – flower, bloom (thjəʊ̜˧˥)
  • diu1 – keep, possess, hold (tiŭ˥)
  • diu1-wŭĭ7j – writing, to write (tiŭ˥.ɰuyj˩). From diu1 + ŭĭ7j (word)

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Update on features in Ie

Figured out what interesting features I’m going to have in Ie. ((I was already including pivot construction, measure words, and verb serialization, but that falls under copying Cantonese)) There’s going to be a complex pronoun system that I’m about ready to make a chart for, suppletive forms (not sure where exactly), and possibly going to make it fusional in some of the particles or somewhere if I can find a place? So yay, you can no longer say ‘yet another isolating analytic lang based heavily on Chinese.’ If I get around to doing a conscript for it (which I probably will, because I always do) it’s going to be featural.

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Conlang happiness – Ie

Been working on a conlang that’s supposed to be a naming language for some of my comic characters (specifically Delia Troy Burton). I have an Hawaiian grammar from the 70s which I’m using as a model, because it’s the only grammar I have for an analytic language.

It’s called Ie.

At some point, I’ll probably upload my grammar like I did for Nyjichun. I’m currently doing it in HTML instead of in a TiddlyWiki. That may change or I may just make it more than one page at some point. I dunno.

Anyway, the point of this post was to share some words! It’s tonal and differentiates between aspirated and non-aspirated words, but for simplicity’s sake (and to keep from having to post the phonology) I’ll just give the romanticized form. The only note I’ll make is that /c/ is pronounced like /ch/ in English). No, I can’t pronounce most of it. See if you can pick out which words are compounds from other words! (Hint: not all the meanings are given here).

tuep zug – Adam’s apple
pov – bridge of nose
pi – cheek, cheekbone
puk – chin, jawbone
piod puk – chin (underneath)
tyiik – ear
dyuu tyiik – earlobe
kyiv – eye
tiu kyiv – eyebrow, eyelash
pyio – face
tiu – hair
tuep – neck, throat
zug – nose
xuu – tooth
tyii1g – arm, hand
bo – back
kie cuu1 biui – backbone, spine
cye tyiig – elbow
eb tyiig – finger
tŭe7t zĕ4n – heel
o1 – hip
cye zen – knee
zen – leg, foot
ang uom – navel
ang tyiig – palm
ii biui – rib
vo – shoulder
gyud biui – shoulder bone
xo ebtyiig – thumb
eb zen – toe
tuet – wrist

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