Tag: religion

Nursgil (Shard-verse worldbuilding)

Nursgil is the 5th largest religion in the world. The three gods – Dunu, Aldu, and Taus – worked together to create the world and the heavens, and now watch and send help, but can no longer directly influence creation. Each of them have their own guides. Dunu is the god of the sky and sends angels; Aldu is the god of the waters and sends devils; and Taus is the god of the land and sends spirits.

Angels promote healing, stillness, meditation, and learning, but can also cause indecision, stubborness, conservatism, and complacency. Devils promote growing, sharing, action, and emotion, but also aggression, short-sightedness, and tribalism. Spirits promote thought, experimentation, open-mindedness, but can also cause hoarding, selfishness, and anti-socialness.

There have been lots of avatars, teachers, saints, etc as helpers, teachers, and incarnations. Priests are meant to guide one to balancing the influence of the different gods and their guides.

The focus is morality in the world. Different sects have differing views on what happens after death, with some thinking there is an afterlife and some not. There’s a long tradition of preserving knowledge, with several different monastic traditions. Nursgil has a large amount of recorded stories, teachings, commentary, and history (not a strict canon like Christianity).

There are lots of different sects with different focuses. In the AMF (the country the shard-verse is mostly set in) and other industrial nations, there’s a big ‘prosperity gospel’ theme lately – you get what you deserve in life and that’s proven by being wealthy, healthy, and successful. There’s a lot of syncretism of Nursgil with local religions and traditions, some of which has become cults or religions considered separate from Nursgil itself.

Nursgil has spread across the world and has a tradition of ‘sharing stories’ that has at times become a crusade. Like any religion, it has its extremists and those that use it an excuse or shield for their immoral behavior. But it is generally considered a religion of caring for the community, sharing knowledge, and thinking deeply about the world.

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