Tag: Injury? What Injury?

Ben-day Shots – Captain Britain #7

ben-day shots logo

Captain Britain #7

Week Ending Nov 24, 1976
Cover Price: 10 pence

Characters: Captain Britain / Brian Braddock, Hurricane,

Content Note: hurricanes, plane crash (sort of) into ocean, death trap involving a jet

To recap: Captain Britain is chained to the intake of a jet and when Hurricane powers up the jet he’ll get sucked in and shredded.

Issue cover. Captain Britain is straining to break free from the chains while Hurricane looks on from the cockpit. Captain Britain's thought balloon: Must escape before the suction-power of these concorde engines destroys me! Narrative balloons: And now! The awesome origin of the man-menace called Hurricane! Is this the end of Captain Britain? You'll learn the incredible answer in: Wind of Death!
This is not, however, how he was chained in the previous issue.

Considering we’re only seven weeks in, I’d say the end is extremely unlikely…

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Ben-Day Shots – Detective Comics #29


Detective Comics #29

1939 July, Golden Age
Cover Price: 10 cents

This one starts with a great cover. I wish I had a better version, or could find a nice large version, but it’s awesome. We’ll see what Photoshop magic can do. Unfortunately, Batman is still running around bare-handed. Bruce, you’re supposed to be smarter than that. (and YES, I will harp on that until it changes.) The cover has dropped the hyphen in his name too, which is nice, cuz it was annoying to type ‘the Bat-Man’ over and over again. Bats is sporting more of a wing than cape look, which is nifty, if completely impractical. And our mad scientist looks like he has pointy ears. Hm.

But onto to the content itself.

The Batman meets Doctor Death

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