Category: Miscellaneous


Woo boy. It’s been a while.

I was in the Netherlands for almost three months. It was weird, I hardly went anywhere, and I officially hate traveling.

I continue to struggle with updating the podcast on time. Because adhd and depression are terrible.

My garden is full of ripening tomatoes and lemons. Flowers are blooming.

Gardening in California is perverted.

Have a cat pic.

Sleeping brown tabby cat tucked under a blanket.

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Livestream tomorrow

Tomorrow, I’m going to live stream as I record A Heroic Moment. It’ll be on Periscope so you can watch on Twitter or comment and ask questions during on Periscope.

I have two episodes ready to record and I’ll be finishing the Halloween script tonight.

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Paying for scripts and ideas

I’ll pay for ideas and scripts for my podcast A Heroic Moment. Pay is low, cuz it’s only five minutes long, but it is paid. You can listen or read transcripts at for the general format. Pay is $7 for a whole episode script (I’ll edit) or $1 to $3 for ideas. You will get credit.

Heroes you’ve made up or public domain heroes only. Try to avoid blatant take offs of existing non-public domain characters. You can use any of the existing characters except Sam Tetz, Balefire, Erik, and Felino (I have ideas for Sam, Balefire and Felino are long-time OCs that I know well, and Erik is a public domain character who I’ve been using as an OC and know well).

Characters can be students, staff, or teachers at the HIT Academy or other heroes or related characters in any of the established worlds, or a new one. (For example, you could write another wolf of Bright Moon or Pilot of Squall-Prime). Self-inserts and “”over-powered”” or “”Mary Sues”” are welcome. (Balefire is all three, which is why she’s not the viewpoint character and I’ve had gods and demons featured). They don’t have to be human or humanoid or corporeal (ghosts, intelligent colors, gas clouds, sentient planets, it’s ALL ok!). They can be relatives or in relationships with other characters.

I’m also looking for ideas / scripts for main topics, events, and sponsors. This can be:

cultures, whether of an existing planet/universe or not

  • heroes famous in-universe
  • superhero tropes
  • stuff about HIT Academy
  • stuff about superhero teams, whether at HIT Academy or not
  • villains or villain types
  • HIT Academy classes
  • different martial arts
  • different types of powers, with some example characters (just a name is fine for that)
  • funny sponsors
  • superhero related sponsors
  • events related to superheroes
  • team-ups between different heroes
  • origin stories
  • mythology and folklore

I have an wiki I can share.

I’m white, English speaking, from a Christian background, and from California. I try to recognize my biases but there are ruts I’m in and stuff I don’t know that I don’t know. Basically if you can’t see yourself on TV or in comics without it being a horrendous stereotype, if it’s there at all, I’m open. Here are some specific heroes I’d like some/more of:

  • autistic characters
  • disabled characters
  • chronically ill characters
  • Mentally ill characters
  • neuroatypical characters
  • Muslim or Jewish heroes
  • religious characters (you can touch on how they deal with meeting actual gods and demons or not as you please) (please note: I will be super picky with Christian heroes)
  • Older heroes
  • more queer heroes
  • I’ve talked about a whole culture of people with dwarfism, most of which are deaf or hard-of-hearing (the Pilots of Squall-Prime) but welcome some #ownvoices representation (not limited to the Pilots, of course)
  • more POC heroes – which could be most of the characters already mentioned (Sam isn’t human and doesn’t see like humans do)
  • non-American heroes, even if they’re white. Just don’t ask me/Sam to speak something other than English without a terrible accent
  • American characters from non-mainstream cultures and accents. Y’know, like an accurate representation of somebody from Appalachia, etc.
  • characters written by #ownvoices creators (these will be judged much lighter than other characters because I know I can trust you to get it correct)

For characters I need a name, their powers, a little bit of history, and at least one thing they’ve done or been involved in. Ideas for other stuff can be more vague.

Again, this is paid, although not much. I have a wiki you can work from if you want and transcripts are available for all the episodes.

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Lexember 2017 – Ie, Part 1

Ie was supposed to just be a naming language for use in my Shard-verse stories, but me being me, it’s grown a bit. I’m trying to restrain myself because I don’t need another big project AND I still can’t actually make names in it.

Since it’s a lot simpler than Ŋyjichɯn, being an isolating language, I’ll be doing a bunch at a time. I’ll give the IPA in parentheses.

  • 44b – ornament, decoration (zu˧.χəp˧)
  • 6zu1 – name, title, to call (tʃy˧˩˥.zʊ̜˥)
  • tyōu5 – flower, bloom (thjəʊ̜˧˥)
  • diu1 – keep, possess, hold (tiŭ˥)
  • diu1-wŭĭ7j – writing, to write (tiŭ˥.ɰuyj˩). From diu1 + ŭĭ7j (word)

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‘The one with the bats’ – Black Stallion & Flame livetweeting

Last night I started live-tweeting The Black Stallion and Flame. You can see why in the first couple tweets.

I’ll be continuing tonight. Come read along and if it’s amusing, share with your friends

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I have no more ratties. I had to put down Ed last week. Ed had a big abscess that was possibly cancer and was getting smaller abscesses. I could tell ed wasn’t feeling good and ed had very little energy and was losing mobility in eds back legs. So I made the call. I’ll continue posting rat pics. At some point I want to schedule all of them to get through the like 150 pics, but I’d have to find the energy and focus.

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