Lexember 2017 – Nyjichxn #1

Yup, doing Lexember again this year. Yup, I’m behind. The plan is actually to do it for the two languages I’m working on, Ŋyjichɯn and Ie. I’ll have to get caught up on Ie later, but it’s easier because it doesn’t have all the alternation and crap that Ŋyjichɯn does.

Anyway, here’s my first lexeme for the month:

Lexeme: chyjɒovi
Gloss: ice, slush, freeze
Irregularity: Noun – Type 1 (no plural or paucal)
Stress: chyjɒovi
Phonetic (IPA / Ŋyjichɯn transliteration): ˈtʃi.dʒɑɜ.ˌvʏ / chyjɒovi

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